rebel, rebel

October is on it’s way out and my favorite time of year nears–NaNoWriMo!


Yes, that nail-biting, angst-ridden, why-in-hell-did-I-sign-up-for-this-again excitement that is National Novel Writing Month. This will be my sixth-year participating and even though 2018 has been a rather tumultuous year between a cancer diagnosis and starting a new business, I can’t NOT participate.

This year I’m actually wrapping up my final month at my job at Healthy Start, one I’ve had since 2011 (2009 if you count my volunteer work and internship). It’s not that I’m leaving, exactly. The cancer diagnosis and subsequent medical bills have spurred me into taking a giant leap of faith; I’ve branched out on my own as a freelance contractor. Kinda scary to be honest.

My boss has been cool enough to hire me as a consultant where I’ll basically be doing much of the work I did as an employee (grant writing, project management, social media management, content, and techie stuff–basically all the cool stuff). BUT I’ve taken on several clients outside of Healthy Start, adding podcast producing and author support to my list of services.

This change allows me the freedom and flexibility to spend more time with my kids–go to school events, pick them up and help with homework, and generally BE present before they’re old enough to move out and I’m wondering WTF. It also allows me more time to write and work on my businesses (cause now there’s two, LOL).


The point is (I was getting to it!) I have quite a bit of paid time off accrued and I’m using almost all of it in November! Pretty cool, huh? So with the timing just TOO perfect, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to torture myself yet again in the effort to write 50,000 words in 30 days or less.

But the most exciting–and challenging–part? I’m being a rebel this year. My goal isn’t to work on a new project (although I have two non-fiction projects I’m tinkering with–shh!) it’s to finish an old NaNoWriMo project. I’m revising Escaped (Burned prequel) which was a NaNoWriMo project from 2016 and–if I’m super productive–I’ll revise Divided (Burned #4) as well. (Remember these babies?)

Keep in mind it’s not all fun and games–I still have three kids and two businesses to keep running. One of which has several clients who still need support. And I’ve got a handful of meetings to wrap up projects at Healthy Start, so shit still needs to get done and I can’t devote every minute to writing and revising in the Burned world. But I’m hoping to make excellent headway and (fingers crossed) get both books published in 2019. I still have another procedure scheduled in March (which is apparently just a part of my life now) so there’s a real risk things need to be diverted, but I’m giving it my all.

What about you? Are you NaNo-ing this year? If so, look me up and send me a buddy request! My username is JameeT (never would have guessed that one, huh?)

I’ll leave you with this lovely tidbit from the late, great David Bowie, Rebel, Rebel, which was the inspiration for this year’s NaNoWriMo.

Send Soup…or a Clone

I’m sitting in my living room, Netflix-binging Fixer Upper in the background, all 3 kids snug in their beds, while I work out my plan for the month. I missed most of this last week, missed work from 2 jobs, missed family time, and generally just missed out since I was brought down by some random virus that seemed to suck out my life and leave me a barely conscious mess unable to eat anything with more substance that crackers. For 5 days. I’m starving people. Send soup!


April was already busy, but since I have to add making up the all the work I missed this week from my 2 jobs…PLUS everything else that was already on my calendar. It’s going to be crazy!

I’m flying (I’m TERRIFIED of flying) and presenting in front of people from all across the US  (I’m horrible at public speaking) for my first job – no stress or anything, right??

Arranging a bunch of classes for a summer program and help kicking off another large undertaking, at my second job. All while I’m still learning the ropes AND they let go my newly-hired counterpart while I was out sick. Yikes!

I love my jobs. No, seriously. I love my jobs. But damn missing a week at both still sucks ass.

run bitch run supernatural.gif


I have my first signing of 2016 in exactly 1 week (Book Obsessed Babes in Jacksonville) and my bookmarks JUST shipped out today thanks to some jerk-off trying to hijack my credit card at a Lowes in California (I live in Florida) which cancelled all of the orders I placed that week, which included my signing purchases. Thanks, asshat!


I’ve got 2 deadlines – or is it 3??? – next month and because of the aforementioned illness, I’ve had no progress on anything in a week. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

It’s Camp NaNoWriMo which means I have a daily word goal that I HAVE to stick with or I’ll be publically shamed as I fail yet another Camp. I do great at the true NaNoWriMo but I’ve failed all 4 Camps that I’ve attempted. Go big or go home, right?? (For those who don’t know, National Novel Writing Month is a challenge to write a 50k word rough draft in 30 days. I’ve attempted and – ahem – won for 3 years. Camp NaNoWriMo is held twice a year and has a loose set of criteria, pretty much whatever goal you set yourself. And I’ve failed for 2 years. Ugh.)

Plus there’s the 30 Day Writing Challenge, which I am attempting to do as a blog. While I’ll admit, my blog posting has improved – I’m averaging once a month instead of once a quarter – but that’s still not DAILY postings.




Did I mention I have 3 fabulous children and a hubby that I actually like to spend time with? Sigh. I need a clone, people.

Or a really, really good plan. And no more catching viruses.

disinfectant DR WHO


What does April look like for you? Busy? Neat and tidy? Hum-drum?

NaNoWriMo and Ambitiousness

I might have been a little too ambitious this year.

NOT a new thing for me. I excel at unrealistic expectations. It’s my trademark.

As the halfway point to November 30th looms ever nearer, I find myself sitting at slightly under the 25k word mark, which under most circumstances would be the cause for celebration. Only…

In addition to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, for those not in the crazy writer category), I have TWO anthologies coming out by the end of the year, ONE possible anthology, PLUS I have my own sequel to publish (it’s just waiting on final edits. FINAL EDITS. It’s sooooooo close.)

Oh, and I work during the day and have three children and a house to run.

Crazy? Me?

Of course.

But know that although this year has not gone as planned (when does it ever?) more books are coming! A few more than I’d originally planned, of course.

So, as I plod along one word at a time (because that’s all anyone can do really) downing one caffeinated drink after another,  going to bed later and later as deadlines creep closer…. it’s good to know I’m not alone. Feel free to comment on your NaNo status, or tell me about a time you set unrealistic expectations for yourself. I’d love to hear them!